A miracle happened while you were asleep last night! You woke up this morning and your dream life has happened…

A miracle happened in the middle of the night and you woke up and your miracle life has happened! You realize your awake, you are lying in bed and your eyes are closed but your not asleep ….how do you know your miracle happened before you open your eyes?

This is an exercise that allows you to stretch towards your highest potential in life…and it works like a miracle.

I will be the guinea pig for example..

I feel asleep last night and a miracle happened while I was asleep. I didn’t know it had happened yet but before I opened my eyes I felt a smile cross my lips because I remember that it’s Wednesday and I have 4 clients scheduled for today. I grab my phone off my night stand and open my eyes and realize that the Head family Court Judge has emailed me and said that he has approved me to be the new substance abuse assessment provider for Jefferson County Family Courthouse. He gives me 3 other Judges numbers that could greatly use my services.. I start to brainstorm about my sessions today and the cover letters that I am going to write those Judges and instantly feel important and confident that I instantly know that I am a Specialist in Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counseling and I have a waiting list…

I have a mantra…I say it everyday all day this is what I say..”My business is so successful that I have a waiting list.” I don’t actually have a waiting list yet..but I say this whenever those negative thoughts enter my head. Negative thoughts serve a purpose for us because they keep us from taking unnecessary changes in life. Negative thoughts keep us comfortable in our lives. They keep us from making changes in our lives. This is a good thing sometimes and a bad thing if we can’t move towards our preferred future.

We can help you find your preferred future in life. We practice what we preach and it works.

“My business is so successful that I have a waiting list.”

Chesie Roberts’ Mantra




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